about daisy

Your passionate Yoga Instructor

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.

Let me start by saying that it is my mission to make yoga accessible to all.

I feel yoga is a practice that can truly benefit everyone. Yoga has helped me more than I realised was possible. When my mental health was at its lowest - it offered me something to focus on and has helped me find ‘quiet’ within myself. This is something I want to share with others.

I love that yoga is more than just the asanas.

It brings me so much happiness to be able to share this with others.


My yoga journey started with classical Pilates.

I started attending classes at 19 and loved the connection you create between breath and movement. I kept up this practice for three years but found myself stopping after having my son. I dipped in and out of yoga during this time but it was not until lockdown in 2020 that I finally started a regular yoga practice. I was struggling a lot with my mental health, so I began doing daily 20-minute yoga classes on YouTube during my son’s nap. This offered me a chance to get out of my own head even if only for a short time, yoga was my escape.

In the autumn of 2021, I started attending regular in-person classes, I clearly remember attending my first class with YogaBen and the feelings it evoked within me; it was such a safe and accepting environment and something I, with time, hope to be able to hold and create for others.

I needed to find a career path that would allow me flexibility and potential for growth as my son grows up; seeing that Ben offered a teacher training course, I decided, why not do something I love?

The course was so much more than I ever expected, and I feel so privileged to have trained and journeyed with such an inspirational group of teachers.

Whether it is my monthly workshop, group or online PROGRAMS, I hope to see you on the mat soon x